Sunday, September 9, 2012

Old Blueprints Tell Interesting Stories

Calvary United Methodist Church, as seen from First Avenue South

I told the city of Lake Worth last week, in the course of making a case for allowing a school at Calvary United Methodist Church without having to seek a Special Land Use Approval, that the classroom we'll be using is one of several classrooms added on to the church building intended as a school and used as a school at various points.

But this wasn't the whole story, I realize now, and not the strongest argument.

In looking over old blueprints over the last few days, I realized that the old church building on the corner of First Avenue South and Ocean Breeze included many classrooms and other areas that constituted a school. So it's not that there was a school added on to the back of this beautiful historic church in mid-century. The school was part of the original building. This building was meant to house a school!

The school must have been going strong, because in 1953 many more classrooms were added. In blueprints from the 1990s, a total of 10 rooms are marked as classrooms, in addition to a nursery, an office (a school office, presumably), a fellowship hall, kitchen, rec hall, 'heritage room,' library and chapel. This is a full-blown school, for sure! It just hasn't been used as a school in a very long time -- since 1980, as far as I could tell from sifting through the building file.

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